
一路同行 共赢未来|2025春季糖酒会3月成都启幕
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一路同行 共赢未来|2025春季糖酒会3月成都启幕

全国糖酒会简介有着中国酒类行业“风向标”、食品行业“晴雨表”之称的全国糖酒商品交易会(以下简称“全国糖酒会”),始于 1955 年,是中国历史*为悠久的大型专业展会之一。全国糖酒会每年举办两次,分春、

- 2024.07.09

第110届成都春糖现场 (45).jpg


有着中国酒类行业“风向标”、食品行业“晴雨表”之称的全国糖酒商品交易会(以下简称“全国糖酒会”),始于 1955 年,是中国历史*为悠久的大型专业展会之一。

全国糖酒会每年举办两次,分春、秋两季举行,是中国食品和酒类行业历史悠久、规模庞大、影响深远的交易会。目前,每年全国糖酒会展览面积达 50万平方米,参展单位超万家,到会专业观众逾 50万人。




Introduction to CFDF

China Food & Drinks Fair (hereinafter referred to as the "CFDF"》, known as the "wind vane" for China's food and drinkssector, was initiated in 1955. Today, it has become one ofthe large and most time-honored exhibition events in China.

Every year, CFDF is held with two sessions, one in spring and one in autumn. lt is a trade fair with a long history. largescaleand far-reaching infuence in China's food and drinks sector. At present, the exhibition area for each year of CFDFexceeds500,000 sqm, attracting more than 10,000 exhibitors and500000 visitors.

CFDF has been commited to promoting the industrial and social progress.Over the years, CFDF has served as a platformto link the production with marketing, build up the marketing system, promote the brands, release the industrial information,and expedite the investment and financing in food and drinks sector. it not only creates a satisfactory environment forbusiness transaction and negotiation, but also provides first-rate supporting services for exhibitors .Therefore, it is both aplace for the exhibition and transaction of commodities, and an important arena for information exchange, further friendship,technological advance and innovation cultivation for China's food and drinks sector.

Since the reform and opening-up in China, a great number of brands have expanded rapidly at CFDF, and many outstandingdomestic and overseas enterprises have made their dreams come true, created enormous profit, and achieved commonprosperity with CFDF.

At the same time, CFDF keeps pace with the times, strengthens its reform and innovation, and tries best to promote itsglobal fame. In recent years, CFDF has set up a senies of special exhibition areas, such as the "National and RegionalExhibition Delegations for Wine and international Spirits" ,"imported Food", "international Food Machinery and "Packaging”"Iinternational Beer",E-commerce", "Agricultural Products", "Financial Services" and "Franchise Chains" which providethe exhibition and exchange platforms for domestic and overseas exhibitors and, in the meantime, further enhance theinternational influence of CFDF.


中粮会展(北京)有限公司是中粮集团旗下的专业会展企业。公司的主要经营范围包括:会议及展览服务,广告设计、制作、代理、发布;市场调查与营销策划等。公司*主要的职能是承办每年春、秋两届的全国糖酒会。中粮会展(北京)有限公司作为全国糖酒会的承办机构,*承担糖酒会的组织管理、 展位招商、广告宣传等承办工作。 围绕这项核心工作,公司秉承 “面向市场、 服务厂商”的办会宗旨,建设了 一支专业、 高效的工作团队,在继承优良传统的同时,从“标准化、 精细化、多元化” 等方面入手,不断锐意革新,拓展服务内容,提升服务水平,创新服务举措,努力将糖酒会打造为具备国际影响力的食品和酒类行业产销对接平台。

与此同时,为充分调动糖酒会各方面参与者的积极性,提高参会附加价值,公司还与各大新闻媒体、*行业协会、科研院所机构等开展了广泛而深入的合作,在糖酒会期间举办多场主题鲜明、 类型丰富的论坛、会议和推介活动,使参与展会的各方能够沟通信息,充分互动,整合优势,合作共赢。

Cofco Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd

Cofco Exhibition (Being) Co, Ltd., is a professional exhibition enterprise controlled by COFCO Sugar Holding Co. Ltd. litsmain business scope includes: conference and exhibition services,advertising design, production, agency and release; andmarket rese arch and marketing planning. lts main function is to undertake the CFDF in spring and autumn every year

As the organizer of the CFDF, Cofco Exhibition (Beiing) Co, Ltd. is fully responsible for the organization and managementof the CFDF, booth investment promotion, advetising and publicily. Centering on the CFDF, the company adhering to thepurpose of facing the market and serving manufacturers" has built a professional and eficient working team. While inheritingthe fine tradition, from the aspects of "standardization, refinement and diversification", the company continues to innovate.expand the service content, improve the service level, innovate the service measures . and stives to build the CFDF into aproduction and marketing docking platform for the food and alcohol industries with international inluence.

Meanwhile, in order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all participants in the CFDF and improve the added value ofparticipation, the company has also caried out extensive and in-depth cooperation with major news media, national industryassociations,.scientific research institutions. and held many forums,conferences and promotion activities with distinctivethemes and rich types during the CFDF, so that all parties involved in the exhibition can communicate information. fullyinteract,integrate advantages and achieve win-win cooperation.
